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Female Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike MITTAG *Neuendorf Click to view Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike MITTAG *Neuendorf in the family tree in SVG format

Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike was born on November 9th, 1865 in Neuendorf.  Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike's father was Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  MITTAG Büdner Neuendorf/ Grossenhagen and her mother was Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette BÖLKE oo MITTAG.  Her paternal grandparents were "Carl" Friedrich  MITTAG Bauer Jakobsdorf mind. seit 1827 +Jakobsdorf vor 1880 and Dorothea "Louise" REDLIN oo MITTAG +Jakobsdorf vor 1880.  She had a brother named Franz Friedrich Wilhelm.  She was the older of the two children.

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Family Genogram.

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