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Female "Else" Martha Bertha MITTAG oo LEU Click to view "Else" Martha Bertha MITTAG oo LEU in the family tree in SVG format

"Else" Martha Bertha was born on January 20th, 1914 in Jakobsdorf. "Else" Martha Bertha's father was Heinrich "August" Robert  MITTAG Bauernhofbesitzer *Jakobsdorf and her mother was Emilie ROSENOW oo MITTAG.  Her paternal grandparents were Karl MITTAG Bauer in Jakobsdorf and Wilhelmine (Emilie)  REINKE oo MITTAG.  She had a brother named Karl.  She was the younger of the two children.  She died due to a medical problem at the age of 43 in 1957 in Berlin.

Family Click here for details of "Else" Martha Bertha's family with "Erich" Franz August LEU

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