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Family Heinrich "August" Robert  MITTAG Bauernhofbesitzer *Jakobsdorf & Emilie ROSENOW oo MITTAG Click to view Heinrich "August" Robert  MITTAG Bauernhofbesitzer *Jakobsdorf & Emilie ROSENOW oo MITTAG in the family tree in SVG format

Heinrich "August" Robert  and Emilie were married.  They had a son and a daughter, named Karl and "Else" Martha Bertha.

Male Heinrich "August" Robert  MITTAG Bauernhofbesitzer *Jakobsdorf
Heinrich "August" Robert  was born on January 20th, 1887 in Jakobsdorf.  He died as a war casaulty at the age of 28 on July 16th, 1915.

Female Emilie ROSENOW oo MITTAG
Emilie was born on December 14th, 1890.  She died in an accident or as a result of an injury at the age of 28 in 1918.


Male Karl MITTAG *Jakobsdorf + Hannover
Karl was born on May 11th, 1912.  He died at the age of 75 on August 9th, 1987.

Female "Else" Martha Bertha MITTAG oo LEU
"Else" Martha Bertha was born on January 20th, 1914 in Jakobsdorf. She died due to a medical problem at the age of 43 in 1957 in Berlin.

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