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Family Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  MITTAG Büdner Neuendorf/ Grossenhagen & Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette BÖLKE oo MITTAG Click to view Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  MITTAG Büdner Neuendorf/ Grossenhagen & Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette BÖLKE oo MITTAG in the family tree in SVG format

Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  and Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette were married in 1864.  They had a son and a daughter, named Franz Friedrich Wilhelm and Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike.

Male Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  MITTAG Büdner Neuendorf/ Grossenhagen
Johann "Ernst"Friedrich  was born in 1839.

Female Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette BÖLKE oo MITTAG
Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette was born in 1848.  Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette is no longer alive.


Female Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike MITTAG *Neuendorf
Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike was born on November 9th, 1865 in Neuendorf.

Male Franz Friedrich Wilhelm MITTAG *Neuendorf
Franz Friedrich Wilhelm was born on July 5th, 1868 in Neuendorf.  He died due to a medical problem, Gerhirnentzündung, at the age of 1 on August 25th, 1869.

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